Learn how to structure your paper, how to draft and revise efficiently, and how to maximize your readability for editors, peer reviewers, and readers.
The event is expertly white-labeled to align with your institution’s preferred branding and colors
Guests fill in a very quick survey about their “pain points” and research topics (areas of study)
The event is further customized based on survey responses to include examples relevant to attendees' concerns and issues
In our uniquely engaging SCI-Train style!
polls & quizzes to reinforce learning and interactivity
Attendees can post their thoughts and questions
Our experts offer live answers to attendees' questions
(for Attendees)
a quick summary of the presentation, comments, and Q&A
a dedicated post-event discussion channel on WhatsApp
an official certificate of attendance
a link to the full video recording, with full transcript and summary
(for the institution)
invitations > signups > attendance)
attendees’ pre-surveyed “pain points”
Attendee satisfaction survey (*****) and comments
In addition to our concisely-curated Library courses, we can also create custom training based on YOUR existing content. Contact us for more information!